Patent No.1: US 10, 004, 830 B2
Date of the Patent Granted: Jun. 26, 2018
Patent No.3: US 10, 149, 924 B1
Date of the Patent Granted: Dec. 11, 2018
Patent No.2: US 10, 098, 986 B1
Date of the Patent Granted: Oct. 16, 2018


Wound Healing is a complex biological process. The main goal of the treatments is to achieve wound closure. In the cases of large wounds like burns, the availability of skin covers to repair the damaged areas is a problem. Different treatment modalities are available depending upon the type of the wound and the physicianโ€™s approach.

These may include surgical closure (primary intention), wound left open to close by a reparative process (secondary intention) or wound left open because of infection and closed surgically later (tertiary intention).

Since the primary goal is wound closure, the quality of healing is important because in the cases of deeper wounds the chances of infection and scar formation are very high.

Mesenchymal stem cells are progenitor cells of mesoderm origin. These were initially isolated from bone marrow. However, at present these can be isolated from the number of tissue niches including dental pulp, adipose tissue, umbilical cord, umbilical cord blood, skin, skeletal muscle etc. These are multipotent, immune-privileged cells, which can differentiate into multiple lineages including skin cells.

Therefore, they have been very instrumental in the field of regenerative medicine. Skin is the largest organ of the body and harbors stem cells within it which helps in repair. However, in the case of chronic wounds, the normal repair process gets delayed and it takes the very long time to heal.

This can be the result of various disorders like diabetic foot ulcer, severe burns, vasculitis etc. Chronic wounds cause substantial patient morbidity, with detrimental effects on patient quality of life, increasing pain, stress, depression, and social isolation.

Normal wound healing occurs in 3 stages:
1) Inflammation
2) Proliferation
3) Remodeling.

We @ Datt Mediproducts have developed a stem cell-based extracellular matrix for the treatment of burns, diabetic foot ulcer, and other chronic wounds. This matrix has tissue-like properties and can be used for wound healing. This patent describes the invention as well as the in-vitro method of cell-based skin substitute preparation.


The present invention provides a novel and unique technique of culturing of proliferating human mesenchymal stem cells on a biocompatible matrix membrane to form a confluent layer of cell sheet with secreted growth factors, suitable for grafting. This invention also provides a ready to use biodegradable and biocompatible tissue construct with autologous/allogeneic human stem cell-based product.

The innovative product has tissue-like properties and is a very effective, easy to use, cost-effective artificial skin substitute. The present invention uses proliferative/confluent Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), fibroblast, keratinocytes, and Mesenchymal stem cells differentiated fibroblast and keratinocytes whereby cells are transferred from culture to the wound bed.

This product not only helps to achieve satisfactory wound closure but also helps to restore functional integrity in the least time and with the least complications and morbidity.

Advantages of the Invention:
– Provides the support, growth factors and essential cytokines for wound healing.
– The scaffold of the present invention does not stick to the wound.
– The present invention comprises of improved wound and hygiene.
– It can be manufactured in any size and shape as per the requirement.
– Easy to handle.
– It can be removed easily.
– Environment friendly as it is degradable easily.
– It aids in wound healing.
– It ensures rapid healing of wound.
– It ensures moist wound environment by preventing wound desiccation.

The graft can be made within 15 days. It is an alternative treatment to the standard wound management therapies. There is a dramatically reduced risk of transmission of infectious disease due to rigorous process controls.


Grafting to a patient with tissue or organ defect, such as skin ulcer or wound, or in vitro tissue testing or animal graftings such as for safety testing or validation of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and chemical products.

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Wound Care in Emergency Situations: Quick Response Tips

In moments of crisis, such as accidents or emergencies, being equipped with the knowledge and skills to administer proper wound care can make a critical difference in saving lives and preventing further complications.

Whether you’re a bystander or the injured person themselves, understanding the essential steps of wound care in emergency situations is paramount.ย 

Here are some quick response tips to guide you through assessing and managing wounds effectively:

Assessment and Safety First:
The foremost priority in any emergency situation is safety. Before rushing to aid the injured person, take a moment to assess the surroundings for potential hazards. Ensure both your safety and that of the injured individual by identifying and eliminating any immediate dangers.

Control Bleeding:
One of the most crucial steps in wound care is controlling bleeding. Apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or dressing. Elevating the injured area, if feasible, can help reduce blood flow and minimize bleeding. Prompt action in staunching the blood flow can prevent further loss and stabilize the individual’s condition.

Clean the Wound Quickly:
After addressing the bleeding, it’s essential to clean the wound promptly. Rinse the wound gently with clean water to remove any debris or foreign objects. In emergency situations, it’s advisable to avoid using strong antiseptics or solutions unless absolutely necessary, as they can cause further irritation or delay in treatment.

Apply Dressing and Bandage:
Once the wound is cleaned, cover it with a sterile dressing or a clean cloth to protect it from contamination. Secure the dressing in place using a bandage or cloth, ensuring it is snug but not too tight to impede circulation. Proper dressings help create an optimal environment for wound healing while preventing infection.

Seek Medical Assistance:
While initial wound care is essential, it’s crucial to recognize the severity of the injury and seek professional medical assistance promptly. Call emergency services or transport the individual to the nearest medical facility if the wound is severe, deep, or if bleeding persists despite initial measures. Timely medical intervention can prevent complications and facilitate proper wound management.

Prevent Shock and Comfort the Injured:
In addition to physical care, it’s vital to address the emotional and psychological needs of the injured person. Keep them calm and reassured to prevent shock, covering them with a blanket to maintain body warmth and comfort. Offering words of encouragement and support can go a long way in alleviating distress.

Continued Monitoring and Updates:
Even after administering initial first aid, it’s essential to continue monitoring the injured person’s condition until professional help arrives. Stay vigilant for any signs of deterioration or changes in vital signs, providing updates and relevant information to emergency responders upon their arrival. Your ongoing support and assistance can contribute significantly to the individual’s overall well-being and recovery.

Therefore, effective wound care in emergency situations requires a combination of swift action, sound judgment, and compassion. By prioritizing safety, controlling bleeding, cleaning the wound, seeking medical assistance, providing comfort, and monitoring the individual’s condition, you can help ensure the best possible outcome for the injured person. Remember, every second counts in an emergency, and your actions can make a lifesaving difference.

For more information on our comprehensive range of wound care products, including Antimicrobial Dressings, Compression Bandages, and Film & post-operative Dressings, Visit for more information.

Understanding Parkinson's Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Parkinson’s disease is a complex and often misunderstood neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by a progressive loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain, leading to a range of motor and non-motor symptoms that can significantly impact daily life.

In this blog, we will explore the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for Parkinson’s disease, as well as the importance of support and advocacy for those living with the condition.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

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In addition to motor symptoms, Parkinson’s disease can also cause a range of non-motor symptoms that may be less visible but equally challenging. These can include depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbances, and autonomic dysfunction. It is important for individuals with Parkinson’s and their caregivers to be aware of these non-motor symptoms and seek appropriate support and management strategies.

Causes and Risk Factors

The exact cause of Parkinson’s disease is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Advancing age is the most significant risk factor, with the majority of cases diagnosed in people over the age of 60. However, younger individuals can also develop Parkinson’s, particularly if they have a family history of the disease or are exposed to certain environmental toxins such as pesticides and solvents.

Recent research has also identified specific genetic mutations associated with an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease, although these account for only a small percentage of cases. Overall, Parkinson’s is thought to result from a complex interplay of genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers, and further research is needed to fully understand these mechanisms.

Treatment Options and Management Strategies

While there is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease, there are a variety of treatments available to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Medications such as levodopa, dopamine agonists, and MAO-B inhibitors can help alleviate motor symptoms by increasing dopamine levels in the brain. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy can also be beneficial in addressing specific motor and non-motor symptoms.

In addition to medical interventions, lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, healthy diet, and stress management techniques can also play a key role in managing Parkinson’s disease. Social support and community resources are also invaluable for individuals living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers, providing emotional support, practical assistance, and opportunities for socialization.

Support and Advocacy

In India, there are several organizations dedicated to supporting individuals with Parkinson’s disease and raising awareness about the condition. One such organization is the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Society (PDMDS), which offers rehabilitation programs, support groups, and educational resources for people living with Parkinson’s and their families. The Indian Parkinson’s Disease Association (IPDA) is another valuable resource, providing information, advocacy, and support services to improve the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease is a challenging and complex condition that requires a comprehensive approach to management and care. By understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for Parkinson’s, as well as the importance of support and advocacy, we can work together to improve the lives of individuals living with this condition. Through education, awareness, and community involvement, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s disease.
