Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Dattmedi.com users are subjected to the Terms and Conditions mentioned below. We may update or amend the following Terms and Conditions from time to time without notifying you. By using or accessing www.dattmedi.com, you agree to the mentioned Terms and Conditions and have read and understood them completely.

It is solely your responsibility to review Datt Mediproducts Private Limited, Terms and Conditions, periodically to update yourself with the changes. On using www.dattmedi.com after any updates/changes made to the Terms and Conditions mentioned on this website constitutes your acceptance. In case, you are dissatisfied or disagree with the Terms and Conditions listed on Dattmedi.com it is solely in your discretion to discontinue the website use.

You agree, understand, and acknowledge to the Terms and Conditions listed below –

1. By using www.dattmedi.com you give your consent not to intercept or disrupt the online information mentioned on the platform. Additionally, you also give your consent for not to evade the security features of DattMediproducts Private Limited’s official website. You also agree to abide by the applicable international/local/federal/state rules/regulations/laws.

2. You are subject to the Privacy Policy of Datt Mediproducts Private Limited’ in any case, but not allowed to publish, copy, perform, or display it in any other format. You are also restricted to use it to benefit any third party by modifying the contents or materials featured on this platform.

3. You agree to not to establish any confidential relationship with Datt Mediproducts Private Limited if any user of www.dattmedi.com makes any online, oral, or written communication (such as ideas, feedback, comments, questions, suggestions, etc.) to Datt Mediproducts Private Limited.

If www.dattmedi.com requests or requires any personal information such as phone, number, name, address, etc. Datt Mediproducts Private Limited shall use and maintain its confidentiality as stated in our company’s Privacy Policy. Such information and communication submitted with the www.dattmedi.com shall be considered non-confidential.

You agree to use of this information for research and development of Datt Mediproducts Private Products unless it doesn’t affect the user’s interests. The sender sharing his/her personal information with Datt Mediproducts Private Limited is completely responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the content.


The documents, information, and the graphics posted on www.dattmedi.com are the sole property of Datt Mediproducts Private Limited, except in the case of the graphics/information is sourced by any third-party under contract with Datt Mediproducts Private Limited, which may include the company’s affiliates or subsidiaries.

Datt Mediproducts Private Limited permits the use of the information, if –

  • Any copyright issue appears on the copies published on the website;
  • The Information is to be used for non-commercial or informational use only
  • The graphics posted on this website do not align/match with accompanying textual content

Datt Mediproducts Private Limited holds no responsibility for content provided by any third-party. Users are prohibited from distributing such materials without prior consent or permission of the company. Except the permission is implied or expressed or granted under the conditions listed above, or granted to an individual under a proprietary right, trademark, or patent of Datt Mediproducts Private Limited.