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Velpop® consists of a cotton bandage that has been combined with plaster of paris, which hardens after it has been made wet. The finished bandage sets rapidly and is safe for transport after 30 minutes. It is fully set after around 24 hours. It is used to make casts for immobilization following fractures. Also used following surgery and orthopaedic corrections treating joint and bone conditions, thus aiding the healing process.
- Combines fast setting, high quality plaster of paris with conformable and stable interlocked weave of the best quality cloth
- The rich creamy texture allows easy handling
- Interlocked weave of the cloth helps in plaster retention & provides high degree of accuracy
- High quality creamy textured plaster of paris makes moulding easy
- Moisture resistant packaging improves the protection of bandages prior to use
- Setting time is just 2-4 minutes
- Excellent whiteness
- Safe for skin
Woven Cloth, Plaster of Paris
Packaging Sizes 5cm x 2.7m 7.5cm x 2.7m 10cm x 2.7m 15cm x 2.7m 20cm x 2.7m

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