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Category: Compression Bandages

In the field of healthcare, compression therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment of various conditions, particularly in wound care and managing lymphatic and vascular disorders. Compression therapy involves the application of pressure to affected areas to improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, and promote healing.

One important component of compression therapy is the compression bandages, specifically short-stretch bandages, which offer numerous benefits and are instrumental in achieving effective compression.

In this blog, we will explore the purpose of Velkomp® Short Stretch Bandage and discuss the advantages and proper application techniques.


In the field of healthcare, compression therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment of various conditions, particularly in wound care and managing lymphatic and vascular disorders. Compression...

Velfour®: An Effective 4-Layer Compression Bandage System for Venous Leg Ulcers

Velfour® is a revolutionary 4-layer compression bandaging system designed to manage venous leg ulcers and associated conditions. With a sub-bandage pressure of 35-40 mm Hg at the ankle, this high-compression system incorporates elastic layers to achieve sustained compression and promote healing.


Velfour®: An Effective 4-Layer Compression Bandage System for Venous Leg Ulcers Velfour® is a revolutionary 4-layer compression bandaging system designed to manage venous leg ulcers and associated conditions....

The possibility of injury goes hand in hand with sports and exercises. RICE treatment is a central component for sports trainers, athletes, and athletic health personnel.
RICE is an acronym that stands for a type of treatment recommended when a person has soft tissue injuries such as those affecting a muscle, tendon, or ligament. These injuries include sprains, strains, and contusions and are often sports-related.


The possibility of injury goes hand in hand with sports and exercises. RICE treatment is a central component for sports trainers, athletes, and athletic health personnel.RICE is an...


Venous leg ulcers (VLU) are one of the most common types of skin ulcers which occur above the ankle area and typically impact elderly people.

These ulcers are chronic in nature and affect approximately 3 million people worldwide. VLUs impact the quality of life of the patients and impose an extra financial burden on them.

One of the major causes of Venous and stasis ulcers is chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), which occurs when the venous valves in the legs don’t work properly. As a result, it becomes difficult for the blood to return back towards the heart leading to pooling of blood in the veins. This results in stasis or venous ulcers.


Venous leg ulcers (VLU) are one of the most common types of skin ulcers which occur above the ankle area and typically impact elderly people. These ulcers are...

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