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DENGUE Facts you need to know!
DENGUE Facts you need to know!

Is Dengue Fever Dangerous?

Dengue an infection caused by a family of viruses transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Dengue is the most common arthropod-borne viral (arboviral) illness.

It is caused by a virus of the Flaviviridae family and transmitted by the female mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti and sometimes Ae albopictus. People living in the tropical, subtropical areas of the world are at a greater risk of developing dengue.

In our last blog Stay Safe from the Monsoon Diseases, we reviewed the distinctive characteristics of Dengue in addition to its differences from Malaria.  We also considered its complications and treatment method in brief.

In this blog, we are going to discuss the symptom of the mild version of the disease and the severe version and some simple preventions.

Do You Know?

– The Centre for Disease Control, estimates dengue infecting 400 million people annually.
– Dengue is quite frequent in 100 countries of the world, risking the lives of nearly 40% of the world’s population.
– There are four related Dengue viruses (DENV) 1, 2, 3 & 4, either of which can cause infection.
– The mosquitoes of Aedes species spreading Dengue infection also disseminate Zika, Yellow Fever, and Chikungunya.
– Because of the 4 different virus serotypes, dengue can infect a person 4 times during his/her lifetime.
– WHO reported a 15 fold increase in the number of dengue cases over the last two decades.

Can someone die of Dengue fever?

Dengue is very rarely fatal and can be cured with proper treatment and preventive measures. Dengue infection produces mild illness causing flu-like symptoms.

However, it can advance into a more serious condition known as severe dengue/ dengue hemorrhagic, which can cause severe bleeding and sudden drops in blood pressure.

Typical dengue is deadly in less than 1% and hemorrhagic dengue fever is fatal in 2.5% of the cases. If left untreated, the death rates may shoot up to 20-50%.

 The Disease Characteristics:

The symptoms normally start a couple of days after being bitten. Dengue infection causes high fever coupled with two or more of the following symptoms.

– Headache
– Muscle pain
– Vomiting
– Swollen Glands
– Rashes
– Pain behind the eyes
– Bone & Joint Pain

In rare cases, the symptoms can worsen and become life-threatening. In such cases, the platelet count fall drastically. The blood vessels leak and get damaged and the clot-forming cells (platelets) in your bloodstream start to fall.

In such cases, the patient should be admitted to a hospital and would need blood and platelet transfusion.  

Watch for the following signs of severe dengue, if you can any of the symptoms go to the doctor or nearest emergency room.

– Persistent Vomiting
– Severe abdominal pain
– Nose bleeding or bleeding gums
– Blood in the urine, stool & vomit
– Difficulty breathing
– Fatigue and restlessness

There is currently no widely available vaccine for Dengue. But the first dengue vaccine named DENGVAXIA became commercially available in May 2019.

It was approved by USFDA with major restrictions; it can only be given to children 9-16 years age in the United States. Furthermore only to children who have already had one confirmed prior infection of dengue.

This is in lieu of additional analysis to determine serostatus. The vaccine manufacturer announced that people who didn’t have any prior infection are at a higher risk of developing severe dengue if vaccinated.

We @DattMediproducts understand that there is no cure for Dengue fever and WHO stresses controlling the mosquito population to preventing the spread.

Because our efforts can play a critical role to protect yourself and your loved one from being bitten by taking a few simple precautions.

Wear loose but protective clothing like long sleeve shirts and long trousers, use mosquito repellents and consider using mosquito netting if you will be in an area with many mosquitoes.

Visit for more infomation.
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Intravenous (IV) cannulation is a common medical procedure used to administer medications and fluids directly into the bloodstream. While the benefits of IV therapy are clear, the procedure also poses risks, including the possibility of infection at the site of cannula insertion. When it comes to IV therapy, securing the cannula in place is critical for the patient’s safety and comfort.

We present Velfix® -Edge, a specialized IV dressing designed specifically for fixing cannulas, which is used to reduce the associated risks. Velfix® -Edge is a non-woven bordered IV dressings coated with latex free adhesive. Frame delivery system for precise placement. Highly conformable to provide solutions for difficult catheters and IV sites. Promotes best practice and enhanced patient comfort with additional securement strips and date labels. Window Framed delivery system allows for one handed application and prevents dressing sticking to itself. Deep notched design forms a barrier to secondary infection and bacterial contamination.

Some of the unique features and benefits of Velfix® -Edge:

  • It has a window frame design that enables continuous observation of the IV site, which is important for monitoring the patient’s condition and detecting any potential complications.
  • It offers a waterproof sterile barrier that protects the site from external contaminants, reducing the risk of infection.
  • It has stabilization non-woven borders that ensure maximum securement, breathability, and wear time.
  • Its notched design helps to discourage edge lift, which could compromise the sterile environment of the site.
  • It comes with two securement tape strips and a pre-printed documentation label, which facilitates proper labelling and documentation of the procedure.
  • It is easy to handle with gloves and allows for single-handed application, which saves time and improves efficiency.

There are several IV dressings available in the market but Velfix® -Edge stands out from the competition and enables medical practitioners to easily monitor the cannula insertion site.

Instructions for Use:

Velfix® -Edge must be used correctly in order to be effective. Before applying the dressing, the skin in the area of the cannula insertion site needs to be properly washed and dried. The Velfix® -Edge dressing can be placed directly to the skin once the region has been cleaned and dried, ensuring that the cannula stays firmly in place. As directed, the dressing should be changed often.

Precautions and Warnings:

The use of Velfix® -Edge on wounds or other skin-compromised areas is not recommended. It ought to be used exclusively for cannula fixation. Additionally, patients should not use Velfix® -Edge if they have allergies to adhesives or other substances.

Also, to maintain its efficacy and safety, it is crucial to carefully follow the usage instructions and adopt the appropriate safety measures. For securing cannulas, Velfix® -Edge is a great choice and is available in a range of tailored sizes.

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