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ORS A Solution for Survival
ORS A Solution for Survival

In developing nations, acute diarrheal diseases and dehydration caused by them are one of the most significant causes of death in infants and young children. This dehydration can be managed orally and intravenously, with oral rehydration therapy being the most effective, simple to use, and worthwhile of the two options.

Definition: Dehydration is defined as the loss of water and dissolved salts from the body, occurring, for instance, as a result of diarrhoea and the correction of dehydration is called as Rehydration.

Oral Rehydration Therapy: The Solution is in Your Hands

WHO defines Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) as “The administration of fluid by mouth to prevent or correct the dehydration that is a consequence of diarrhoea”. This fluid consists of a special mixture of water, glucose and salts which help to replenish the lost electrolytes and water and bring it back to normal levels. ORT is an effective treatment method to manage dehydration and a powerful alternative to intravenous therapy.

The WHO Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH) in collaboration with UNICEF recommend Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) as the main strategy to achieve a reduction in diarrhoea-related mortality and malnutrition in children.

ORS Composition

Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) is the non-proprietary name for a balanced glucose-electrolyte mixture. ORS was approved, recommended and distributed by WHO and UNICEF for the first time in 1969 as a treatment option to manage dehydration throughout the world.

Reduced osmolarity solutions have been introduced by WHO and UNICEF, especially for children, to increase the safety and efficacy and subsequently reduce the stool output.

Reduced osmolarity ORSgrams/litreReduced osmolarity ORSmmol/litre
Sodium chloride2.6Sodium75
Glucose, anhydrous13.5Chloride65
Potassium chloride1.5Glucose, anhydrous75
Trisodium citrate, dihydrate2.9Potassium20
  Total Osmolarity245

If ORS is unavailable, then a mixture of 6 level teaspoons of sugar, 1/2 level teaspoon of salt dissolved in 1 litre of clean water can be given to a child. Extra care must be taken while mixing the components as too much sugar can worsen diarrhoea and too much salt can be dangerous for the child.

How Oral Rehydration Works?

1.  In a healthy individual, water is continuously exchanged through the intestine’s walls. Nearly 20 litres of water is secreted and reabsorbed every 24 hours. This physiological process also allows the absorption of soluble metabolites (from the digested food) into our bloodstream.

2. In an individual suffering from diarrhoea, this balance of secretion and resorption gets disturbed, resulting in more secretion than resorption. This causes several litres of water loss in a day along with a significant reduction in sodium levels.

3. Sodium is an essential mineral present in the form of Na+ in blood plasma and body fluids i.e. extracellular fluids. Dehydration causes irregulated sodium levels and rapid depletion of water along with Na+. For proper functioning of the body, about 135-150 mmol/l of Na+ are required to be present in the extracellular fluid.

Do you know?
Depletion in more than 10% of the body fluids might result in acute kidney failure subsequently leading to Death.

4. If we only give saline solution to treat diarrhoea, it may worsen the situation. This is because the mechanism for Na+ absorption by the intestinal wall is impaired in diarrhoeal state and the presence of excess Na+ could further result in water secretion worsening diarrhoea.

5.  Adding glucose/dextrose to the saline solution initiates a “co-transport coupling mechanism” as a result of which, each molecule of glucose being absorbed by the intestinal wall helps in the transportation of one molecule of Na+. A relatively increased concentration of sodium inside the intestinal wall pulls water through it, as glucose only co-transports Na+ and not water.

Do you Know?
The co-transport coupling mechanism of Na+ and glucose is reported as “potentially the most important medical advance this century” by THE LANCET journal.

Other molecules with an aptitude to co-transport Na+ through the intestinal wall are amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides. Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) is useful for the treatment of dehydration in patients suffering from prolonged diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, vomiting.

We @ Datt Mediproducts recommend oral rehydration solution as an excellent therapeutic technique for rehydration as “Rehydration Saves More Children

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In the realm of healthcare, attention to detail is paramount, especially when it comes to catering to the needs of sensitive patients. One often overlooked aspect is the choice of medical tapes for securing dressings, tubes, and medical devices.

For individuals with delicate or sensitive skin, such as pediatric patients, the elderly, and those with skin conditions, the selection of appropriate tapes can make a significant difference in their comfort and recovery process. This blog will cover the importance of skin-friendly tapes like Minipore™, Velpore™, and Velsilk™ in enhancing patient care and promoting healing.

Understanding the Sensitivity

Sensitive skin can be a result of various factors, such as age, skin conditions, or prolonged exposure to medical treatments. Patients undergoing chemotherapy, individuals with dermatitis, or those with compromised immune systems require extra care to prevent skin damage. Traditional medical tapes, while effective in securing medical devices, can sometimes cause irritation, allergic reactions, or damage to fragile skin. This is precisely where the importance of skin-friendly tapes becomes conspicuous

Introducing Minipore™, Velpore™, and Velsilk™ Tapes

Minipore™, Velpore™, and Velsilk™ are revolutionary medical tapes designed to address the unique needs of sensitive patients. These tapes stand out for their skin-friendly properties and their contribution to patient comfort.


Minipore™ tape is a hypoallergenic paper tape that offers gentle adhesion, making it suitable for patients with sensitive or fragile skin. It allows for breathability, reducing the risk of skin maceration while securely holding dressings in place.
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Velpore™ surgical paper tape possesses hypoallergenic qualities, making it ideal for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies. Its gentle nature ensures it is kind to the skin. The microporous structure of Velpore enables exceptional breathability, facilitating airflow and minimizing the likelihood of maceration.This tape is frequently utilized for securing wound dressings, delivering dependable fixation while enabling freedom of movement and flexibility. Its mild adhesive properties allow for painless and damage-free removal from the skin.
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Velsilk™ tape is a silk-like cloth tape that combines excellent adhesion with gentle removal. It adheres securely to the skin while minimizing discomfort during tape removal. It is particularly useful in situations where frequent dressing changes are required, as it allows for easy application and removal.
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Advantages of Skin-Friendly Tapes

The importance of using skin-friendly tapes like Minipore™, Velpore™, and Velsilk™ cannot be overstated. Here are some key advantages they offer:

  • Reduced Skin Irritation: The hypoallergenic adhesive and soft materials minimize the risk of skin irritation or allergic reactions, promoting patient comfort during the healing process.
  • Enhanced Healing: Breathable materials enable proper air circulation around wounds, supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
  • Painless Removal: The gentle adhesive used in these tapes ensures painless removal, reducing the potential for skin trauma.
  • Versatility: Skin-friendly tapes are versatile in their applications, suitable for various medical scenarios, from wound dressings to tubing fixation.
  • Patient Confidence: Patients experience enhanced comfort and security, which can have a positive impact on their overall well-being and recovery.

When it comes to healthcare, the focus should always be on patient well-being and comfort. The use of skin-friendly tapes like Minipore™, Velpore™, and Velsilk™ exemplifies this commitment. These tapes not only provide reliable adhesion for medical devices but also prioritize patient comfort and skin health

Childhood is a critical phase of development that lays the foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life. As parents, caregivers, and members of society, ensuring the health and well-being of our children is a top priority.

The early years of a child’s life are crucial for their development, setting the stage for their future health and happiness. By understanding the various aspects that contribute to a child’s overall well-being, we can create a solid foundation for their growth and help them thrive. In this blog, we will explore various aspects that contribute to building healthy foundations for children, including early childhood development, nutrition, physical activity, preventive healthcare, mental and emotional health, safe environments, and healthy sleep habits.

Understanding Early Childhood Development:

Early childhood development encompasses the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth that occurs from birth to around the age of eight. This period is crucial for brain development, language acquisition, and the formation of social skills. It is essential for parents and caregivers to engage children in stimulating activities, such as reading, playing, and problem-solving, to promote optimal development.

The Power of Nutrition:

Nutrition plays a vital role in a child’s growth and development. Providing a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products is crucial. Adequate nutrition ensures that children receive the essential nutrients their bodies need to support physical growth, cognitive function, and immune system strength. Limiting sugary snacks and beverages can help prevent the development of unhealthy eating habits and reduce the risk of childhood obesity.

Promoting Physical Activity:

Regular physical activity is crucial for children’s overall health and well-being. It helps build strong bones and muscles, improves cardiovascular fitness, enhances coordination and motor skills, and contributes to a healthy weight. Encourage children to engage in age-appropriate activities such as active play, sports, and outdoor adventures. Limit screen time and promote active hobbies to ensure they maintain an active lifestyle.

Preventive Healthcare and Immunizations:

Preventive healthcare and immunizations are critical to safeguarding children’s health. Regular visits to healthcare providers for well-child check-ups allow for early detection and intervention of potential health concerns. Immunizations protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases, reducing their susceptibility to illnesses and safeguarding the health of the entire community. Staying up-to-date with recommended vaccinations ensures that children have a strong defense against infectious diseases.

Nurturing Mental and Emotional Health:

Promoting mental and emotional well-being is equally important for a child’s overall health. Creating a supportive and nurturing environment at home, school, and within the community helps children develop resilience, self-esteem, and positive coping skills. Encouraging open communication, active listening, and providing emotional support can assist children in navigating their emotions and building healthy relationships. Engaging in activities that promote creativity, self-expression, and mindfulness can also enhance their emotional well-being.

Safe Environments and Injury Prevention:

Creating a safe environment is essential for child health and well-being. Childproof your home by securing cabinets, electrical outlets, and sharp objects. Ensure a safe outdoor play area, free from hazards. Teach children about potential dangers, such as fire, water, and strangers, and how to stay safe in different situations. Supervision and education are crucial in preventing injuries.

Healthy Sleep Habits:

Adequate sleep is vital for children’s physical and cognitive development. Establish a consistent sleep routine and ensure children get the recommended amount of sleep based on their age. Create a calm and comfortable sleep environment, free from distractions. Limit screen time before bedtime, as it can interfere with quality sleep. Encourage relaxation techniques, such as reading or listening to soothing music, to promote better sleep.

Building healthy foundations for children requires a holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of their well-being. By understanding early childhood development, promoting proper nutrition, encouraging physical activity, prioritizing preventive healthcare, nurturing mental and emotional health, ensuring safe environments, and establishing healthy sleep habits, we can set children on a path towards a healthy and fulfilling life.

Together, let us prioritize their health, provide them with the support they need, and empower them to grow into happy, healthy individuals who can thrive and make a positive impact on the world. Let us join hands in creating a healthier future for our children.
