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Tag: health and wellness

When it comes to wound care, establishing a daily routine is crucial for ensuring optimal healing and preventing complications. Daily wound inspection is the cornerstone of this routine, as it allows individuals to monitor changes and identify potential signs of infection early on.


When it comes to wound care, establishing a daily routine is crucial for ensuring optimal healing and preventing complications. Daily wound inspection is the cornerstone of this routine,...

biodegradable, nasal dressings, healing, surgery

Nasal deformities are quite common in people – it can be present right from birth or can develop in the later stages of our lives. However, they are serious and should never be left untreated.

Sinusitis, deviated septum (Septoplasty), enlarged nasal turbinates, and external nasal deformities are a few ENT indications, which can affect people of any age and gender. They can cause recurrent or persistent nasal obstructions, a runny nose, difficulty in breathing, headaches, and dizziness and thus impact the patient’s quality of life.


Nasal deformities are quite common in people – it can be present right from birth or can develop in the later stages of our lives. However, they are...

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