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“MALARIA” – A Global Burden
“MALARIA” – A Global Burden

The Disease “Malaria”

Malaria is a parasitic infection that results in a variety of symptoms ranging from no symptoms to mild to severe disease and even death. Ordinarily, malaria is a curable disease if it is diagnosed at an early stage and proper treatment is provided to the sufferer.

Know the Stages of Lung Cancer
Know the Stages of Lung Cancer

Do you know that despite the advancements in the treatment options, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide for men and the second leading cause for women?

In developed nations, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death among women (210,000 deaths) followed by breast cancer (198,000 deaths).

Care About Your Mental Health
Care About Your Mental Health

Mental Health is the basis of emotions, communication, thinking ability, learning and self-esteem. A good mental health results in productive daily activities, Healthy relationships and a strong ability to adapt to any changes and cope with adverse situations.

Mental Illness is a medical condition, just like any other indicators such as heart disease or diabetes. Mental health conditions are diagnosable and treatable.

Lung Cancer Not just a Smoker’s Disease

Did you know that lung cancer is responsible for the highest number of deaths in India? This number even exceeds the deaths caused by other types of cancers including ovarian, breast, prostate and colon, put together.

FACT: 50% of the patients suffering from lung cancer had never smoked.

Know more about Biodegradable Nasal Dressings

Nasal deformities are quite common in people – it can be present right from birth or can develop in the later stages of our lives. However, they are serious and should never be left untreated.

Sinusitis, deviated septum (Septoplasty), enlarged nasal turbinates, and external nasal deformities are a few ENT indications, which can affect people of any age and gender. They can cause recurrent or persistent nasal obstructions, a runny nose, difficulty in breathing, headaches, and dizziness and thus impact the patient’s quality of life.
