Eating sweets causes Diabetes; Mid-night snacking will lead to weight gain; Cooking food in microwave oven causes cancer.
Is this really true…. Science has unfolded some of the sayings that were passed on through ages.
Eating sweets causes Diabetes; Mid-night snacking will lead to weight gain; Cooking food in microwave oven causes cancer.
Is this really true…. Science has unfolded some of the sayings that were passed on through ages.
(more…)“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” – Anne Wilson Schaef
Staying physically and mentally active is another pathway to healthier life. There are many changes that occur as we age (progress in life) and it becomes very crucial to know them and take necessary steps to protect our health.
A study conducted in 2016 stated that, “of the 41% of Americans who make New Year resolutions, by the end of the year only 9% feel they are successful in keeping them”.
Think of some realistic, achievable changes in your lifestyle.
There are certain changes that are not in our control but still we can control our lives by bringing small changes in our lifestyle to be happy and healthy.
We welcome in the new year with an old quote “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis
With the start of this new year we want to touch back on what is important for our health. It is important we focus on our mental health as well as physical health and fitness. Like every year “Eating healthy”, “staying fit” and “keeping upbeat” will be among the top priorities.
Long working hours, desk jobs with no physical exertion, and extensive use of gadgets are a few prime reasons for a stressful lifestyle. The Covid 19 pandemic has added Work from Home as a new normal and has further aggravated stress in day to day life.
We have started working longer while shuffling between office and household chores, leading to burnout. Recent study by Monster found that 69% of employees working from home are experiencing symptoms of burnout.
(more…)Heart diseases are a leading cause of death in both men and women. People with high cholesterol levels, who smoke often, are overweight or obese, who don’t eat a healthy diet and have a sedentary lifestyle are at a higher risk of developing heart diseases.
There may be hereditary reasons too but the good news is that heart diseases can be prevented. A healthier lifestyle makes a healthy heart.
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