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ARTHRITIS & Its Different Types
ARTHRITIS & Its Different Types

Have you ever felt pain, swelling, and stiffness in your joints or trouble moving around? You might be suffering from a condition called “Arthritis”.

Arthritis is defined as the inflammation or swelling in one or more joints.
The two most common types are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Symptoms vary from person to person but the main ones include joint pain and stiffness. Arthritis treatment may depend on its type but the goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life of the affected person.

The Advanced Stages – Liver Diseases
The Advanced Stages – Liver Diseases

Liver diseases are on the verge of becoming the next major lifestyle diseases after Diabetes.

Do You Know?
Liver disease may affect people of any age, although a majority of patients belong to the 40-60 years age group.

Liver Diseases & Signs
Liver Diseases & Signs

Liver is the largest internal organ of our body about the size of a football. It sits on the right side of our abdomen under the rib cage.

The liver performs some really essential functions in our body, such as :
1. Food digestion and nutrient metabolism for absorption in the intestine
2. Nutrients Storage
3. Proteins production
4. Blood detoxification by removing harmful substances from the bloodstream
5. Treating these toxins chemically to excrete them with the help of digestive and urinary systems

What Triggers your ASTHMA?
What Triggers your ASTHMA?

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition in which the airways become inflamed, thereby, making it hard for a patient to breathe. The Global Asthma Report 2018 says that “among India’s 1.31 billion people, about 6% of children and 2% of adults have asthma”.

In our previous blog on Asthma, “Is the Toxic Air you breathe-in causing ASTHMA?”, we discussed how the disease is related to air pollution, its symptoms, and ways of its management.

What is HIV and how it progresses to AIDS?
What is HIV and how it progresses to AIDS?

HIV is a virus that causes damage to the immune system by destroying the white blood cells in the body. First identified in the year 1981, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) interferes with the body’s ability to fight against disease-causing microorganisms. It destroys CD4 cells (a type of T-helper cells that move around the body & detect anomalies & infections), makes copies of itself and weakens an individual’s immune system.

When CD4 counts drop below 200 it is an indication of serious immune damage and a person is diagnosed with AIDS. The normal range for CD4 cells is about 500-1500.

Know the Stages of Lung Cancer
Know the Stages of Lung Cancer

Do you know that despite the advancements in the treatment options, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide for men and the second leading cause for women?

In developed nations, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death among women (210,000 deaths) followed by breast cancer (198,000 deaths).
