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Myths Uncovered About Health Tips
Myths Uncovered About Health Tips

Eating sweets causes Diabetes; Mid-night snacking will lead to weight gain; Cooking food in microwave oven causes cancer.

Is this really true…. Science has unfolded some of the sayings that were passed on through ages.

Myth 1: Covid vaccine doesn’t work well

Fact: Vaccines are perhaps the best hope to tackle the adversity of Covid infection. It is a misconception that if we get vaccinated, then we won’t get infected. But the fact is that vaccination makes the illness less severe and reduces the risk of hospitalisation and death.

Myth 2: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes

Fact: Sugar does not cause diabetes. Having more sugar increases weight and being obese increases the chances for Type 2 Diabetes. Several other factors include physically inactive, family history and Insulin Resistance. Type 1 Diabetes is caused due to the faulty immune response when insulin-producing cells in pancreas are destroyed by our immune system so our pancreas stops being able to produce insulin. So, pay attention to diet and overcome sedentary lifestyle.

Myth 3: Using public toilet causes UTI

Fact: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) are common in women. We, women are very paranoid of using public toilets, as these are home to lots of germs like E. coli, Staphylococci and many more. But the fact is that germs cannot be transmitted as they cannot survive for long time on the seat.

Some of the major causes of UTI are menopause, unhygienic sexual practice, holding back the urge to urinate, urinary catheters in case of hospitalization.

However, for personal hygiene it is suggested to carry a toilet seat sanitizer, or disposable toilet seat covers along to be at mental peace.

Myth 4: Cracking knuckles causes Arthritis

Fact: People who don’t crack knuckles and the habitual knuckle crackers both are at equal risk of arthritis. Cracking knuckles may only annoy people around but it won’t raise the risk for arthritis.

Myth 5: Midnight snacking increases weight

Fact: The key player that contributes to weight gain is net calorie intake (Calories consumed – Calories burnt) and not the time when we eat.

If you stay within body’s daily calorie limit, then night time eating does not actually lead to weight gain. However, it has been observed that people who eat late-night are inclined towards high-calorie packaged food which otherwise should be avoided.

It is advisable to eat food at least three to four hours before going to bed for the body to be able to digest what you have eaten. Eating spicy and fatty food at night leads to acid reflux and less time to balance out net calorie intake.

Myth 6: Heating food in microwave causes cancer

Fact: Microwaves are non-ionizing radiations.  And the only non-ionizing radiations that causes cancer are UV Rays. Microwave ovens use microwave radiation to heat food, but this does not make food radioactive. And the technology behind is that the water molecules in the food vibrate and the food gets heated.

It is advisable to use glass containers to heat or cook food in Microwave and keep plastic wares at bay

Myth 7: 8 glass of water a day 

Fact: It is always good to have enough water, but not everyone needs 8 glasses a day. This requirement varies from person to person basis their weight and age.

The body has a sophisticated regulatory system that monitors hydration and sends a message when you need to drink. Keeping oneself hydrated is more important than the count. The regular water threshold could be met by beverages, juices and the food that contain water.

Certain medical conditions like kidney stones, strenuous exercise, and climatic conditions are the decisive factors.

We @dattmediproducts feel that it’s good to be conscious but misinformation must be tackled head on. It is best to get expert opinions and not just follow what we read online. It is always suggested consulting a qualified health practitioner to seek information as per the medical conditions.

Visit for more infomation.
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Advantages of Using Velfix®࿯ T+Pad for Post Surgical Wounds

In the field of post-surgical wound care, innovation plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal healing outcomes and patient comfort. Introducing Velfix® -T+Pad, a groundbreaking solution that redefines the standards of wound dressings. Meticulously designed and crafted, Velfix® -T+Pad stands at the forefront of advanced wound care technology, offering not only healing but also unparalleled comfort and convenience.

Waterproof and Bacterial Barrier Properties:

Among the essential features of wound dressings, waterproofing and bacterial barrier stand out. Velfix® -T+Pad not only meets these requirements but surpasses them. Its impermeable yet breathable film forms a protective shield against water and bacteria, safeguarding the wound from external threats and fostering a hygienic healing environment.

Benefits of Continuous Visual Monitoring: 

The advantage of transparent film dressings is the ability to visually monitor the wound without removing the dressing. This allows healthcare providers to detect early signs of infection: clinicians can quickly spot signs of infection, excessive drainage, or other complications, facilitating prompt intervention. It also aids in exudate management : ensuring that the wound exudate is being effectively absorbed and does not pose a risk to the healing process.

Conforming to Body Contours:

Comfort is paramount, especially in areas prone to movement or swelling. Velfix® -T+Pad addresses this need adeptly. Its flexible design seamlessly conforms to the body’s contours, providing a snug fit without compromising comfort. Whether it’s a joint, a curve, or a crease, Velfix® -T+Pad stays in place, ensuring uninterrupted healing.

Effective Evaporation of Moisture:

Moisture management is critical for wound healing, and Velfix® -T+Pad excels in this aspect. Thanks to its innovative adhesive pattern, it facilitates efficient moisture evaporation from the wound bed. This not only keeps the area dry but also prevents maceration, creating optimal conditions for healing.

Reducing Pain Upon Removal:

Dressing changes can be painful, but Velfix® -T+Pad aims to alleviate this discomfort. Featuring a non-adherent pad, it minimizes trauma upon removal, reducing pain and discomfort for the patient. With Velfix® -T+Pad, dressing changes become a smoother, more tolerable process, enhancing the overall patient experience.

In the realm of post-surgical wound care, excellence is imperative. With its innovative design and advanced technology, Velfix® -T+Pad sets a new standard for wound dressings, offering a comprehensive solution that prioritizes healing, comfort, and convenience. 

From its waterproof and bacterial barrier properties to its transparent film for easy monitoring, Velfix® -T+Pad epitomizes cutting-edge wound care. Trust in Velfix® -T+Pad to deliver not only healing but also peace of mind, ensuring a smoother, swiffer path to recovery for patients worldwide.

Wound Care for Cancer Patients

Cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, are essential for combating the disease but often pose significant challenges to wound healing. Understanding these impacts and managing wounds effectively is crucial for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. This blog provides insights and recommendations for effective wound care in cancer patients.

Impact of Cancer Treatments on Wound Healing:

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, while targeting cancer cells, also damage healthy tissues especially rapidly dividing Keratinocytes along with Fibroblasts, Melanocytes, Endothelial cells & Immune cells, delaying wound healing. Surgery can result in complex wounds needing specialized care.

Common Wounds in Cancer Patients:

Cancer patients may have surgical wounds, radiation-induced skin reactions, and wounds from intravenous catheter sites. Advanced cancer patients may develop pressure ulcers due to immobility.

Managing Radiation-Induced Skin Reactions:

Radiation therapy can cause skin reactions from mild redness to severe ulceration. Management includes gentle skin care, prescribed topical treatments, avoiding sun exposure, and wearing loose clothing.

Chemotherapy and Wound Healing:

Chemotherapy reduces the immune response and interferes with cellular repair, impairing wound healing. Patients should be monitored for infection and delayed healing, with an emphasis on optimal nutrition and hydration.

Post-Surgical Wound Care:

Proper care involves keeping wounds clean and dry, changing dressings regularly, using sterile dressings and monitoring for any signs of infection. Adhering to healthcare provider instructions is essential.

Infection Prevention:

Strict hygiene practices, sterile wound care products, and prompt treatment of infection signs are crucial, as cancer patients often have compromised immune systems.

Tailoring Wound Care Products:

Sensitive skin due to cancer treatments requires hypoallergenic dressings, silicone-based products, and gentle adhesives to minimize irritation.

Nutritional Support:

A diet rich in protein, water, minerals, vitamins A and C, and zinc supports tissue repair and immune function. Collaboration with a dietitian ensures adequate nutrient intake as nutrition goals differ as per the cancer type, its stage and other medical conditions.

Pain Management:

Effective pain management in cancer patients includes a combination of medications such as analgesics, topical anesthetics, and non-pharmacological methods like relaxation techniques, gentle massage, acupuncture, cognitive therapy etc.

Psychological Support:

Emotional support, counselling, and mental health services help patients cope with cancer and its treatments, contributing to better wound healing.

Multidisciplinary Care Teams:

Collaboration among oncologists, wound care specialists, nurses, dietitians, and mental health professionals ensures comprehensive care tailored to patient’s needs.

Caregiver Recommendations:

Caregivers should maintain a clean environment, follow wound care protocols, ensure proper nutrition, provide emotional support, and recognize infection signs.

Effective wound care for cancer patients requires a holistic approach, addressing the unique challenges posed by cancer treatments. By understanding the impacts of these treatments on wound healing and implementing comprehensive care strategies, we can significantly improve patients’ quality of life and recovery outcomes. Through multidisciplinary collaboration, meticulous care, and robust support systems, we can navigate the complexities of wound care in cancer treatment and ensure optimal healing.
