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Stress Awareness Stress Its in the Air

Stress includes physical, emotional and intellectual responses of human body towards any changes or challenges. These responses are normal and help a human body to adapt to new situations. A positive stress can help your body to work harder with an improved performance. Stress becomes unhealthy when it upsets your day to day functioning and there is no period of relaxation or relief in between.        

Physical symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, aches, chest pain, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal issues, muscle tension and a weak immune system.


A stroke is a medical emergency causing the brain tissue to die which can lead to brain damage, long-term disability or death. A stroke is often referred to as a “brain attack” and is associated with high mortality and high morbidity.


Cerebral Palsy is a neurological developmental disorder that affects body’s movement. “Cerebral” means brain and “Palsy” means the impairment or loss of motor function.  Cerebral Palsy results from an interference in brain development affecting the person’s ability to control his or her muscles.

It may also be caused due to an impaired blood supply, decreased oxygen, glucose or calcium supply, infections, trauma & preterm birth. It is the most common childhood impairment which may occur during early months of pregnancy, during birth, soon after birth or early childhood.

Recycling Not a New Concept
Recycling Not a New Concept

Recycling is the procedure of processing materials that would otherwise be thrown as trash and reusing them by turning them into new products. In short, recycling converts the waste materials into reusable objects. Recycling can be considered as a key component of modern waste reduction and it stands as third element in “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” waste hierarchy.

Pick Healthy Comfort Foods

Eating your favourite meal should be a part of your healthy diet plan. If you like certain foods, then you should not deprive yourself of it.

Giving it up is not sustainable for long term goals, instead find ways to make it healthier.


Disease outbreaks such as covid-19 can be frightening as they can have a drastic impact on your mental wellbeing. The repercussions of being worried and anxious about covid-19 or other diseases can be overwhelming. You may feel exhausted, fed up, sad, lonely, anxious or even depressed. 

There might also be some changes in your energy levels, sleep pattern, appetite, interests or even in making decisions. The covid-19 pandemic has been stressful for people from several vocations including the frontline workers, students, family members who could not meet each other or those who lost their loved ones.
