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Pollen Allergies Symptoms & Preventions
Pollen Allergies Symptoms & Preventions

With the spring and summer season upon us people may be seeing pollen allergy symptoms flare-up. In these unsettling times, many of the people who have pollen allergies might be wondering if those symptoms are due to allergies or something more serious.

Pollen allergy, also known as Hay Fever, is defined as an allergic reaction to the pollen dispersed through air. During the spring and fall time, tiny pollen grains are released from plants. Pollen is a fine powdery substance produced by all plants to fertilize other plants of the same species.


As the Centre imposed restrictions are being eased gradually, normal life in green zones is trying to be redefined amid lockdown with a focus being on the lives and their livelihood.

Several businesses have begun planning their next steps on the basis of relaxations offered by respective state govt. While everyone is trying to come back to normal, the word “normal” has gained a new definition itself. The aim of businesses and companies is now to cope up with the situation and survive in this global recession.


DENGUE Facts you need to know!
DENGUE Facts you need to know!

Is Dengue Fever Dangerous?

Dengue an infection caused by a family of viruses transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Dengue is the most common arthropod-borne viral (arboviral) illness.

It is caused by a virus of the Flaviviridae family and transmitted by the female mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti and sometimes Ae albopictus. People living in the tropical, subtropical areas of the world are at a greater risk of developing dengue.

Are you Allergic to your Food?
Are you Allergic to your Food?

Has your food ever made you uncomfortable?
Have you ever experienced any unusual reaction in your body post eating some specific foods or have you encountered symptoms like hives, itching, or vomiting?
This is an allergic reaction from the food you ate.

“MALARIA” – A Global Burden
“MALARIA” – A Global Burden

The Disease “Malaria”

Malaria is a parasitic infection that results in a variety of symptoms ranging from no symptoms to mild to severe disease and even death. Ordinarily, malaria is a curable disease if it is diagnosed at an early stage and proper treatment is provided to the sufferer.

Tips to Stay Healthy & Future Proof your Body
Tips to Stay Healthy & Future Proof your Body

Maintaining a healthy body is a journey of events that are nurtured with various healthy habits.

We bring to you a compilation of some healthy choices you can make in your lifestyle to attain a healthier happier lifestyle.
