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Category: Wound Care

Wound dressings are indispensable in wound care management. With several advancements, dressings have emerged from a passive to a more active role involving moisture-retention and delivery systems.

Foam dressings are absorbent dressings used as primary and secondary dressings in partial or full thickness wounds with varying levels of exudate levels. When used as primary dressings, these provide absorption and insulation; and when used as secondary dressings, for wounds, with packing.


Wound dressings are indispensable in wound care management. With several advancements, dressings have emerged from a passive to a more active role involving moisture-retention and delivery systems. Foam dressings...

The Future of IV Cannulation Velfix® IV Kit
The Future of IV Cannulation Velfix® IV Kit

Vascular Access & The Risk of Infection:

Vascular access in surgical settings is virtually indispensable. The intravenous administration of fluids, medications, blood products and parenteral nutrition, whether peripherally or centrally, is a routine practice in healthcare setups.

The same has been documented in several medical journals such as The American Journal of Epidemiology and the Annals of Pharmacotherapy. According to which, up to 80% of hospitalised patients in recent medical practice receive intravenous therapy while they are admitted.


Vascular Access & The Risk of Infection: Vascular access in surgical settings is virtually indispensable. The intravenous administration of fluids, medications, blood products and parenteral nutrition, whether peripherally...

Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, twisted veins ,often appearing as bulging, that can be seen just under the skin and are usually blue or dark purple in colour. They typically appear in legs but can affect other parts of the body too. Many people can have a mild version of varicose veins that can cause discomfort to the patient but sometimes it can lead to further more serious problems.

Reports indicate that about 2%-73% of the global population is affected by varicose veins. However, varicose veins are a common condition in India, with an estimated 37.25% prevalence rate among the adult population.


Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, twisted veins ,often appearing as bulging, that can be seen just under the skin and are usually blue or dark purple in colour. They...

RICE method and a unique VELCOOL bandage
RICE method and a unique VELCOOL bandage

The possibility of injury goes hand in hand with sports and exercises. RICE treatment is a central component for sports trainers, athletes, and athletic health personnel.
RICE is an acronym that stands for a type of treatment recommended when a person has soft tissue injuries such as those affecting a muscle, tendon, or ligament. These injuries include sprains, strains, and contusions and are often sports-related.


The possibility of injury goes hand in hand with sports and exercises. RICE treatment is a central component for sports trainers, athletes, and athletic health personnel.RICE is an...

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