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All You Need to Know about Thyroid & its Disorders!
All You Need to Know about Thyroid & its Disorders!

Do you know that undiagnosed and untreated thyroid disease may lead to Heart disease, Weight Gain or Weight Loss, Infertility, Osteoporosis or Diabetes as well? We bring you some interesting facts and information you need to know about thyroid & its diseases.

Winter Foods to keep you Healthy
Winter Foods to keep you Healthy

With winter approaching fast, people are making a lot of changes to their everyday routine; winter coats need to be brought out, the thicker blankets will be on the bed, and heavy-duty moisturizers will be on the vanity. That’s about it right?

No! There is a lot more than you need to do to make sure that you are prepared to give winter your best shot!

Taking Antibiotics for everything could be harmful
Taking Antibiotics for everything could be harmful

Do you take antibiotics for your common cold and sometimes experience that your antibiotic isn’t working? Do you always complete your antibiotics course? Have you been missing days in-between your antibiotics dose?

Do you always consult your doctor before taking any antibiotics? If you have had such experiences, then continue reading to find out more.

Blood Transfusion Life Saving
Blood Transfusion Life Saving

Have you ever thought about how many lives could be saved by blood transfusion? As per the American Red Cross Society, 1 donation can potentially save up to 3 lives. In India, every two seconds someone needs blood.

If you are amazed by this fact then you should learn more about this. Blood transfusion is not only helping to save lives but also helping to change millions of lives as it is essential during surgeries, cancer treatment, traumatic injuries, and chronic illnesses.

Lung Cancer Not just a Smoker’s Disease

Did you know that lung cancer is responsible for the highest number of deaths in India? This number even exceeds the deaths caused by other types of cancers including ovarian, breast, prostate and colon, put together.

FACT: 50% of the patients suffering from lung cancer had never smoked.

Depression More than a Brain Chemical Imbalance
Depression More than a Brain Chemical Imbalance

When you are feeling sad for a prolonged period of time and you can’t find any specific reason for it, you might be in the clutches of depression and need to seek professional help. Depression is a common and a widely observed mental disorder which affects people of all ages.

As per WHO, more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. You may not know that the person sitting next to you and laughing with you might be under the tight grip of depression.
